The bizarre death of a high-school student triggers a series of mysterious events in the idyllic lakeside town of Mörkstad in Sweden. As the dead student’s friends edge closer to uncovering the truth, they are drawn into an ancient and terrifying secret hidden beneath the dark waters of the lake. The supernatural thriller ‘Cryptid’ is the first series in the ‘Nordic comic noir’ genre and is based on a pitch by graphic novelist Sylvain Runberg, the Silver Award winner at the 2011 International Manga Award. Novelist Anna Jakobsson Lund is lead writer on the short-form series (10 episodes lasting 22 minutes), which will be co-directed by Daniel di Grado (Viaplay Group’s ‘Hidden’) and David Berron (Viaplay Group’s ‘Hidden’ and ‘Black Lake’). ‘Cryptid’ is produced by Patrick Nebout (‘Midnight Sun’) and Mia Sohlman (‘Hamilton’) for Stockholm-based production company Dramacorp, along with Viaplay Group’s Fredrik Ljungberg. Hadis Jabbari (Viaplay Group’s ‘The Lawyer’) is co-producer. The series premiered exclusively on Viaplay in 2020.
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Awards (1 nomination)
Canneseries 2020
Best Short Form Series