
KPMG AB (Box 16106, SE-103 23 Stockholm, Sweden) is the Company’s auditor since the formation of the Company on 31 August 2017. Tomas Gerhardsson is the auditor-in-charge since 14 May 2024. Tomas Gerhardsson is an authorised public accountant and a member of FAR, the professional institute for authorised public accountants in Sweden. At the Annual General Meeting 2024, the registered auditing company KPMG was elected as auditor until the end of the Annual General Meeting 2025.

Audit assignments involve the examination of the Annual Report and financial accounting, the administration by the Board and the CEO, other tasks related to the duties of a company auditor and consultation or other services which may result from observations noted during such examination or the implementation of such other tasks. All other tasks are defined as other assignments.

Auditors report their findings to the shareholders by means of auditors’ report, which is presented at the Annual General Meeting. In addition, the auditors report detailed findings at each of the ordinary meetings of the Audit Committee and to the Board once a year.

More detailed information concerning the auditors’ fees can be found in the relevant notes to the Group’s Annual Reports